Here are the most frequently asked questions. We hope this helps answers any questions you may have. If their are any question's not answered please feel free to Contact us

Shipping and delivery

How long is shipping

Shipping times vary depending on where you are located. Timings will be calculated at checkout. Some of our basic delivery times are:

- Standard (14-16 business days)

- Express (4-7 business days)

Aquifer would also like to state that we are not responsibility for not meeting delivery times.

Do you ship internationally

Yes we do ship internationally to majority of countries. However, shipping times may be slightly longer than recommended times.

These times should be calculated at checkout for you.

How much does delivery cost

We offer free shipping within the UK but do also offer express shipping which cuts down the shipping time in half.

Deleivery cost outside of the Uk can range depending on what country you are wanting to ship to.

These figures can be calculated at checkout, or if you have any questions feel free to Contact us

My order was damaged during delivery. What can you do?

If your damage was damaged during delivery and have proof of receipts, please Contact us and we can talk about offering a refund or exchange.

Payment and online safety

What forms of payment do you accept

We accept online payments from the following:

American Express, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Shop Pay, Mastercard, Maestro, Visa, and many more!

Do you have access to my payment information

Aquifer do not keep hold of any personal information.

This is due to Shopify taking care of storing customers information.

Do you accept online payments

Yes, we do accept online payments

Returns and Refunds

What is your refund policy?

We off a 30 day return policy from the day you receive your product.

You can find more information on the Refund policy Page

How long does it take to receive my payment after you refund my order?

We will refund your money within the first 10 business days after receiving your product.

However, timings may be longer due to banks having to clear payments.

Do I have to pay for delivery of my returned good

We sadly do not take responsibility for the delivery fees of returned goods.